Integrating Google Maps into a Next.js project can enhance your application's interactivity and user experience. In this article, we'll explore how to seamlessly incorporate Google Maps, add markers,
and customize its features using the version 1.1.0
The Google Maps API key and Google Map ID used for advanced map features can be obtained from the Google Maps Platform.
Complete sourceOne of the fundamental tasks when working with maps is displaying a marker. In this article, we'll start with that basic step and explore how to add more and more features to Google Maps.
<APIProvider apiKey={googleMapsApiKey}> <Map defaultCenter={mapCenter} defaultZoom={5} mapId={googleMapId} > <AdvancedMarker position= > </AdvancedMarker> </Map> </APIProvider>See the source
Here are some customizations to the pin, And adding more markers from an array. Place, key: number) => ( <AdvancedMarker position= key={key} > <Pin background={'#FF00FF'} borderColor={'#FF00FF'} glyphColor={'#FFFFFF'}></Pin> </AdvancedMarker> ))See the source
Let's first show a small information window, and in the next step, improve it to open only when clicking on the marker. Place, key: number) => ( <div> <AdvancedMarker position= key={key} > <Pin background={'#FF00FF'} borderColor={'#FF00FF'} glyphColor={'#FFFFFF'}></Pin> </AdvancedMarker> <InfoWindow position= key={key} > <div> <h4>{}</h4> <p>{place.intro}</p> </div> </InfoWindow> </div> ))
Clustering is a beautiful feature available in Google Maps; let's see how we can implement
it. By using @googlemaps/markerclusterer
const clusterer = useRef<MarkerClusterer | null>(null); useEffect(() => { if (!map) return; if (!clusterer.current) { clusterer.current = new MarkerClusterer({ map }); } }, [map]) useEffect(() => { clusterer.current?.clearMarkers(); clusterer.current?.addMarkers(Object.values(markers)) }, [markers]) const setMarkerRef = (marker: Marker | null, key: number) => { if (marker && markers[key]) return; if (!marker && !markers[key]) return; setMarkers((prev) => { if (marker) { return { ...prev, [key]: marker }; } else { const newMarker = { ...prev }; delete newMarker[key]; return newMarker; } }); }
See the beauty of clustering.
Let's integrate Google address search into the map using the @react-google-maps/api
npm package.
const AutoCompleteOptions = { componentRestrictions: { country: 'LK' }, }; const onLoad = (autocomplete: google.maps.places.Autocomplete) => { setSearchResult(autocomplete); }
<Autocomplete onLoad={onLoad} onPlaceChanged={onPlaceChangedEvent} options={AutoCompleteOptions} > <input className="form-control" type="text" placeholder="Enter postcode, suburb or locator name" ></input> </Autocomplete>
When the user searches for an address, let's display that location on the map.
const zoomToLocation = (location: LatLngLiteral) => { if (map) { map.setCenter({ lat:, lng: location.lng, }) map.setZoom(10); } } const onPlaceChangedEvent = () => { if (searchResult) { const place = searchResult.getPlace(); if (place?.geometry?.location) { const placeLat = place.geometry?.location?.lat() const placeLng = place.geometry?.location?.lng() zoomToLocation({ lat: placeLat, lng: placeLng, }); } } }See the source
Use the HTML Geolocation API to get the user's geographical position and display it on the map
if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { zoomToLocation({ lat: position.coords.latitude, lng: position.coords.longitude, }); }) }See the source
Here's how to mark an area on Google Maps.
new google.maps.Circle({ strokeColor: "#FF0000", strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: "#FF0000", map, center: latlng, radius: 3000, })See the source